Lachi Sols Website Uptime Test

Down for everyone? Or is it just me?

How Website Downtime Impacts Your SEO?

Googlebot indexes your website by crawling the pages of your website. The crawler tries to reach your website throughout the day to check if it is up again. In the meantime, your site will experience a temporary downfall In Google search results rankings. But if the website is down for days, Google will completely remove your site from its index.

The most obvious impact of downtime is that it prevents your potential customers from using your site. Not only does it affect sales, but the bounce rate of the website increases. A negative bounce rate will rank you down in the search. One bad thing leads to another.

How can we help you?

LachiSols offers cost-effective and reliable uptime monitoring for your website.

Downtime can have a negative impact on your business. It can cause you to lose revenue, create a negative impression, and impact your search rankings and SEO in a massive way. With LachiSols, you can prevent them or get your site up and running as quickly as possible.

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